In 2010, the Australian Floodplain Association began a process that led to a unique alliance between Channel Country graziers, conservation organisations, scientists, and Channel Country Traditional Owners with interests in the free-flowing rivers of the Lake Eyre Basin.
This group became known as the Western Rivers Alliance (WRA).
The Western Rivers Alliance advocates for protection of the rivers, floodplains and associated surface and underground waters of the Channel Country region. We believe the most effective way to do this is to:
- Permanently protect the quantity, quality and variability of river flows in the Channel Country;
- Ensure that watercourses, floodplains and wetlands are permanently protected from large-scale, incompatible and destructive activities such as unconventional gas development;
- Enshrine the rights of the public, local government, landholders and the broader community to lodge objections to development approvals;
- Embed a precautionary and ecologically sustainable approach to the management of the State’s water resources;